we must be weary of those that dine with devils.

Ị ma na anyị na-eti mkpu ọ dị ka anyi a na-eme ka mkpọtụ for nothing. Ma na checkie ihe a. For God knows how long, James Nwafor was a CSP and killing innocent children and young men for no reason. He murdered and butchered people at will. He buried people's children and relatives in shallow graves. Tufuo ndị a tụfuru na mmiri. And even though na akụkọ ya became public knowledge one year ago, ọ ka bụ a free man. Not a question has been asked. Not prosecution has happened. So you ask the question, gịnị mere justice na Nigeria?

News has it na ọ bụ the current chief security officer of gubernatorial candidate APGA bụ Charles Soludo.
Takie ya in.
Ịma how fucked up ihe a dị? Ịma How alarming ọ dị? Na onye dị as learned as Charles Soludo, na-azọ oche governor a state chooseru a murderer ama ama as his chief security officer!
Kee message ọ na-apassi across?

The mere fact na James Nwafor anọrọ na nga mkpụrụ ọka is a taint on not only the government of Nigeria, but her justice system from the ground up! Anọrọ n'enu ya, he even has the patronage of politicians!

In sander climes, the only reason ọ ga eji dịrị free till now bụ maybe na a na-ekpe ya ikpe. Mana even if that be the case, onye ọbụna bụ a public figure ga na-asọ ya ka o bu ọrịa ọcha. However what we get in Nigeria is different. We get Charles Soludo running for governorship and dining and carvoting with a known murderer. In my opinion, this says all I need to know about his character.

I say, sị maa James Nwafor ikpe kpọchie ya for life! Si kpọchie for his inumberable killings and crimes against human rights and humanity. Then onye ọbụna ma ihe zere Charles Soludo.

Onye ọbụna ga a dine nwu with a known devil cannot be expected to be any different from the devil.


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