soro soke werey!

A full year and it still hurts ka o mere unyia. A full year. Every bit of the ENDSARS peaceful protest and the massacre that followed was ihe mgbawa obi.

Why should we have to ask to be allowed to live? Ndụ ọ rọ a fundamental to every human being? Yet we had to walk the streets for it. We had to go hungry for it. We left our lives and our plans for it. We slept outside for it. Begging people bigoro ndụ ha almost to the fullest to let us live.

Ebe ọ nọ ka dịrị painful bụ na enwerọ anything this country nyegoro anyị as young people bụ a part of it. Ọ bụrọ ezigbo ụzọ nke o ji abụ ezigbo ọrụ. Ọ bụrọ ezigbo healthcare system nke o ji abụ a good education system. Ọ bụrọ ezigbo environment for business nke ọ ji abụ an enabling space for investment. 

We the youth got nothing from them, and we did not complain. All we did was asked to be allowed to live and they unleashed the military and their live bullets on us. Never forget that. Echefula.


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