Jụọ that ajụjụ na etinye gị confusion n'isi

Ị chọrọ ịma, ị jụọ Google.

One thing anyị ncha neediri ịma bụ na all we need dịkwanu a click away. You only need to type your question as you have it into Google and you will be thrown with load and load of information. Information so much na ị ga-amukata, gbawa ọsọ. Gịnị does it take? A few clicks.

Asị na onye ajụjụ adịghị efu ụzọ mana agwarọ gị na the best ọza ajụjụ enwe currently bụ Google. So technically, Google ama nkwe ka ị fuo ụzọ.

Of course, ígwè ome ka mmadụ abụrọ mmadụ which means that from time to time i neediri specialist consulting and confirmation. Mana you can start your learning process from Google. Whether you want to know more about Web 3.0, ma ọ bụ blockchain technology, ma ọ bụ ka esi esi aki bekee or any other thing... You can always ask. Jụọ na ị ga-ajụta.


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