No one saves you

Ọ na-adị atọ m ọchị when people's reaction to public threat bụ "the west is watching" or "the world is watching". I always feel like answering them with "and so? Ha a ga-eme gịnị?" Mana most times it's not my business so I always minye ọnụ m na ọbọ.

It is very easy for us to think too much of ourselves and believe na anyị dị of any sort of importance to exploiters ị fụrụ na ha nwe their own problems. In case na ọ bụrụ na ịdịrọ aware, the West nwe their own problems. Ha nwe nsogbu nke ha and in their books, those problems come first.

Mgbe ENDSARS mere, how long ka ị nụrụ mkpọtụ ha on the matter? This was a tragedy mere in real time o! Enwe onye ha metụrụ aka? Enwe onye ha tiri ihe? That should show you that in this life, nobody saves you.

Election na ha abịa na Anambra State now ndị kwesịrị ịdị concerned a na-afuck up. I jụọ ha they will tell you the west is watching. Ihe ha a marọ bụ na the west kirichaa, ha efichaa anya mindia their business. Onye nọ na nsogbu bụ onye ji ha kwara isi.

Always bear in mind na in this life no one saves you. If your systems are messed up, tinye aka fixie ya. If the government is messing up, webata ndị ọfụrụ ga-arụ ọrụ. Do what you must, mana asikwana for one minute na the west is watching and that they will intervene.

Ọkwarị ofu West a Bruce Mayrock kwụ n'ịrụ United Nations ha gbaa onwe ya ọkụ in protest to ndị Gowon na Awolowo na-egbu na ala Igbo during the Nigerian-Biafran war. Did they not see that? Gịnị ka ha mere about it?


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