Mgbe ndị Igbo siri na "ebe nwata n'ebe akwa atụ aka nne ya anoghi ya, nna ya anọrọ ya" they were talking about causation. Ihe kpatara ihe ji mee. What caused what.
While we take our solemn walk na this month of October, in unforgettable memory of our lost and murdered brothers and sisters, we should bear in mind why we do it. We should also bear in mind ihe mere anyị ji mee ihe anyị mere last year - the singular most beautiful thing humanity has ever seen. It lives fresh in my mind like it was only yesterday, just as the hurt does too. The youth, doing what their fathers and mothers couldn\"t do. Stopping tyranny for two straight weeks while they demanded for a better life. The beauty of it was otu o si hapu ịma religion, ịma gender maọbụ ethnicity. Otu esi kpọọ isi ana na protest ground on Friday, only to kaa mass on the same grounds on Sunday. Otu FK Abudu na Kiki Mordi na Moe si gosi ụwa na nwanyị bụ ife. Otu Mr macaroni na you and me si kwuru ọtọ bee nọ more! It was beautiful to watch and a worthwhile time to be alive. It was necessary.
Those days dị necessary because armed forces Nigeria foro ntụtụ taa si na ha ga egbuchasi young Nigerians. First dey began with the police na their bloodthirsty SARS outfit and when the youth said ọzọemena, they sent the military after them. Anyị agaghị eche ọ
Anyị gather last year takie stand maka ndị a ma ndị ọzọ afa ha adịrọ na akwụkwọ. We walk these solemn days again maka ha. Anyị na-asị ka mkpụrụ obi ha zuru ike na ndokwa. Anyị na-asị ọzọemena. Anyị na-asị ka o gburu ọchụ taa afufu dịrị ya.
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