an "I suck at communication" special 1; a life hack

Ka m gwa unu maka one life hack that I use for keeping in touch, or maybe two. Buru n'obi that this is an "I suck at communication" special.

Due to na m dị very bad na-abia to anything bụ virtual communication and keeping in touch, I devised a way to do the barest minimum. Barest minimum a might look like nothing but it is everything - and people would understand considering how you actually suck at communication.

Ife m na-eme bụ that I put a reminder on my phone across different days of the week m chọrọ ịkpọ certain people - family members, friends, etc. Then I keep to the reminder no matter ebe m nọ. Ọkụọ five and my phone beeps "call Ugegbem", I call Ugegbem. We might not be able to talk well but it does three things.

1. Ọ na -eregister in the mind of the person na mụ akpọgo and na ha dị m n'obi.

2. You will be able to reach out, no matter how shortly.

3. Unu ga-eschedulenwu a better call later if that is a bad time.

Achọghị m ka this thing dịrị too long so I'll stop here and talk about the next life hack for my fellow "I suck at communication" peeps echi.

Kee ka isi amanage communication with friends and loved ones? Gwa anyị with your comments below👇🏿


  1. The same thing kà m bidoro mebe very recently. Mana these your suggestions dị kwa very vital. Daalụ rinne nna.

    1. Thank you agụ! Adim sure na ya bụ formula na-aworkulu gị?

  2. As always, love the engiligbo

  3. Nna thanks for this. Aga m e bido ime these things implement


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