Tata nwe ike ịga somehow.

To keep moving, m ga-agwa gị one thing, and that is: do not be afraid of the mundane.

Life is not all sparkles and glitters mgbe niile. If it were, it will wear us out. Ike ya ga-agwụ anyị and the sparkles and glitters ga elose their shine. Sometimes, life is just mirth less and colourless and very ordinary. Even in those days when it looks like na enweghị ọṅụ ma ọbụ ụtọ fọrọ na life, embrace it and forge on.

The ordinary days in life bụ ihe mere m ji enye advice for one to have a To-Do list. Because inwe ike itete ụra juwa onwe gị why you have to do this whole shit sef. It is easier to recline when all you depend on to get stuff done is vibes, excitement and insha Allah.

Nwee structure. Nwee a pattern you follow. Detuo the things you must do. Nwee a schedule so that ọbụrụ godi na ụbọchị adịghị aga ka isi chọọ, ị gaa ka isi planuo.

Remember, the ordinary colourless, mundane days dị as necessary as the very exciting good hair ones. 


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