live a little

Mgbe ote nkwụ na-ete ngwọ ya
Obi na-atọ ya ụtọ
Mgbe ote nkwụ na-ete ngwọ ya
Obi na-atọ ya ụtọ
Mgbe ọ rịgooro n'elu ya
Mgbe ọ ridatara n'ala ya...

I hope na ịma the rest of the song. Ọ bụrụ na ị maghị ya, bring Money let's teach you.
Jokes apart, this song only applies when you love what you do. When you love your job, it makes a lot of sense. Mana when the emails are not finding you well, it is jibbyjabber.

Whether you love what you do or not, be sure to take out time to unwind. Rest. Reachie out to family and friends. Connect with something more than "find attached". You deserve to live a little. 


  1. Replies
    1. The price for teaching it bụ tarti billion. Ask for aza and a link to a tutorial video.

      On a serious note, thank you for dropping by. I will sing it once I start making videos.


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