Our acts of love come back to us

I don't know who said it mana adim sure na onye kwuru na sharing playlist is a love language dị right. The moment you share a song or list of songs with a loved one, you watermark memories and thoughts of that loved one unto that song. 

Sometime last week I could not stop thinking about one of my friends, how amazing ọ dị, how very wonderful and always optimistic ọ na-adị at all times so I decided isendiri ya a playlist. I put together some of the warmest, beautiful songs m ma currently, baa the playlist afa ya, then sendiere ya ya across. The friend sent me a message some time later saying na ọ likeri the songs. That made me happy. But also, to compile those those songs, bearing in mind na ọ for this specific person has made a difference to how I listen to those songs now. When I play them, I think of this friend and it is a happy feeling.

The interesting part begins when someone I barely know, someone I only just recently made contact with on a social media platform recently and chatted a little with sendielum a playlist of some of the loveliest songs I have heard. I was shocked. It was as if the universe or karma or whatever or whoever was returning the love I had shared, only that it was in full bloom and not withered.

I am not trying to preach karma to you. I don't even believe in karma myself. I believe na ị chọrọ ichange something, ipunish someone, or anything like that, you do it now. I don't believe na the universe na-areturn anything to us but this was too real to be looked away from.

However, if anything, I will ask you to focus on the good feelings na-abịa with showing love. All the warmness that fills you up when you extend an arm in love to onye ọzọ. That, and not karma should be the motivation to love and to show love. 


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