Jụọ the right questions
Ama mụ na if I tell you people na agwọ nọ n'akirika, it will be as if na m chọrọ ịdị too dramatic today, but that is the simple fact. Agwọ nọ n'akirika and that agwọ is Nigeria.
Let me tell you people why we're here. It goes back to mgbe Goodluck Ebele Jonathan na-achị. When GEJ was president, things were fairly good. There was some money in the treasury, Obasanjo had worked with the best people possible and Yaradua had consolidated ihe ndị o mere by having a good plan and sticking with it. But GEJ came with his friends to eat and squander.
Even though na anyị nọ na-afụ corruption na anya anyị, we were not too bothered at first because anyị nọ na-eriju afọ. But then the people chọrọ ịchị by all means capitalised on this mishaps introducuo terrorism, nọrọ n'enu ya si ezie power without having any idea what they were going to do when they finally got into office. The state of Nigeria today bụ what they did.
It will be simple if that is the beginning and end of it all. Okwu ka ịdị nkenke ma ọ bụ na These people after getting their eight years sịrị na ozugo. Mana ozubeghi. They want to milk us dry and people are falling for it.
Oge GEJ na-achị, There was flagrant corruption due to lack of discipline. What did we do? We said ka ewebata bụbu ka ọ bịa chịa that he is a nonsense military man and nobody will dare steal money in his watch. Lol. Ọchị ka na-achọ ịtọgbum. How much has gone missing since he entered office? And in the most ridiculous ways too. A nọtụ nọtụ a si na agwọ noro ego. Monkey e noo ego. Adaka ndị EFCC a taa 80 billion ka ahekere. Biko unu egbunam.
Ihe mere with Buhari bụ na Nigerians failuru ịjụ the right questions. They should have asked "kedụ onye this Buhari bụ?" mgbe ọ bụ a military man, who was he and what role did he play? As Head of state who was he and how did Nigeria and Nigerians fair? In clear words, what is he going to do when he enters office? These are simple questions.
History na-achọ irepeatikwa again na anya anyị and we're not asking the right questions.
We should ask, onye bụ Tinubu? What has he done before? Kedụ data from mgbe ọ chịrị Lagos? What is his character? What is his capability? Ọ ma dị International complexities of ịchị obodo and o nwe the international image to attract foreign help in places anyị neediri foreign help?
I'm not asking you to hate him. Incompetence na agụ ịchị by Fire by force Tinubu dị ka nke Buhari. Jụọ these questions and watch the answers disqualify him. You don't have to hate him, but jụọ the right questions.
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